ACTIO™, This Full Chassis with Oscillation is comprised of a solid cast-iron chassis fixed to the axles and housing the tractor transmission.  It features a central joint with a longitudinal oscillation of up to 15°. The two oscillating ends follow the contour of the terrain independently, thus assuring stability and traction at all times. The constant adherence of the tires to the ground allows engine power to be entirely transferred to the ground, thus increasing performance and safety. 
The ACTIO™ chassis requires a “projecting” engine configuration in order to assure a low center of gravity and an equal division of the weight of the tractor: 60% on the front axle; 40% on the rear axle. This is an ideal balance with implements attached as it distributes 50% of the weight on each axle.
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ACTIO™  means 
 +  full control
 +  manoeuvrability
 +  comfort
 +  tires traction and grip, even on sinuous grounds.