Informativa Privacy Curricula

Information for the “Job Opportunities” area of
pursuant to Art. 13 EU Regulations 2016/679
General Data Protection Regulations

Pursuant to Art. 13 of Regulations, the following information is provided about the processing of your personal data.
  1. Identity and our contact details:
The company Antonio Carraro S.p.A., VAT No. 00186830287, with registered office in via Caltana 24, CAP 35011 Campodarsego (PD) - Italy, is the controller. E-mail , Tel. +39 0499219921.
  1. Why we collect your data
The data given to us in the “Work with us” area of the Website (here in after the “Website””) will be processed solely to enable us to administer your job application in the context of our personnel search and selection activities.
The processing of your personal data - including any special categories of data - is necessary in order to assess your job application and, accordingly, is carried out in execution of pre-contractual measures adopted at your request (pursuant to art. 6, para. 1.b), of the Regulation).
The personal data given to us for the above purposes might include some that reveals your state of health, inclusion in certain protected categories of worker, trade union membership, etc.; such data may be processed by the Company for personnel selection purposes (pursuant to Italian Data Protection Authority Measure no. 146/2019 on Instructions for the processing of special categories of data in employment relationships pursuant to art. 9, para. 4, of the Regulation).
  1. What data is requested
The data marked with an asterisk (*) is mandatory. If such data is not provided in full, it will not be possible to assess your job application. There are no consequences for failure to provide the data marked as optional.
Within the “Work with us” area, you can attach your CV, request information or express any needs you may have. In this phase of the personnel search and selection process, the Company only needs to collect those special categories of personal data that are strictly necessary for the assessment of your job application; accordingly, please do not include in your CV any additional special categories of personal data. If you do, they will be deleted immediately.
  1. How we process your data
Your personal data will be processed, mostly electronically, in order to administer your application and contact you again. Your data will be processed in compliance with current regulations and, in any case, in a manner that ensures its security and confidentiality and prevents its dissemination or unauthorized use, modification or erasure.
The data will be processed in compliance with current employment legislation and the relevant current measures - and their subsequent amendments and/or additions - issued by the Italian Data Protection Authority (including Guidelines for processing the personal data of workers in order to administer their working relationships with private employers) and by the working party established pursuant to art. 29 of Directive 95/46/EC (including Opinion 2/2017 on data processing at work).
  1. Transfers outside of the EU
Your personal data will not be transferred to countries outside of the European Union for the purposes indicated above.
  1. Retention of your personal data:
For the above purposes, your personal data will be retained for the time strictly needed to decide whether or not to hire you and, in any case, for no longer than the time needed for recruitment purposes. In all cases, your personal data will not be retained for more than 12 months following its receipt, after which it will be erased or rendered anonymous.
  1. Who processes your personal data
In the above context, your personal data will not be disseminated and may only be communicated to the following third parties, as external controllers or processors:
  • parties that provide the Company with ancillary personnel search and selection services (e.g. vendors of management software or the administrators of our Website, if your application is received via those channels).
  • employment agencies.
Internally, your data may also become known (on a need-to-know basis) to: (i) the specific Company Offices interested in your professional profile, as well as the Personnel Office and the IT Systems Office (solely with regard to the technical administration of our IT systems).
The names of all external Processors appointed may be requested by writing to the addresses indicated below.

  1. Your rights under Art. 15 - 22 of the Regulations
By sending an e-mail to , you can exercise your rights under Art. 15 - 22 of the Regulations, which, in summary, shall include the following:
  • confirming whether or not your personal data is being processed;
  • accessing your personal data and the information listed under Art. 15 of the Regulations;
  • ensuring any incorrect or incomplete data about you is rectified or completed without any unjustified delay;
  • ensuring your data is deleted without any unjustified delay;
  • ensure the processing of your personal data is limited;
  • being informed of any rectification or deletion or limitation in the processing of your personal data;
  • receiving your personal data or transmitting it to another data controller in a in a structured and commonly used format.
You can view the full list of your rights on
  1. Complain to the Data Protection Authority
If you believe that the way your data has been processed does not comply with the provisions of the Regulations, you can file a complaint with the Italian Data Protection Authority (, or the Data Protection Authority of your country of residence or work, or the country where the alleged breach has taken place.
  1. Contact Details of the Data Protection Officer
The Data Protection Officer – DPO of the Company can be reached to the following e-mail addresses
Antonio Carraro S.p.A.