Model 231 & Whistleblowing

Antonio Carraro S.p.A., in line with its sensitivity in ensuring that all company activity is conducted in the context of fairness, transparency and legality, has adopted its own Organisation, Management and Control Model.
The Model applies to persons who perform, also de facto, management, administration, direction or control functions in the Company, to employees, to those who collaborate with the Company by virtue of a para-subordinate employment relationship (external employees, etc.), to persons who, although not belonging to the Company by virtue of an employment or para-subordinate employment relationship and the like, operate by mandate or on behalf of the same and to persons who act in the interest of the Company as they are bound by contractual legal relationships or other agreements of a commercial nature.
All addressees of the Model, as identified, are required to comply with the provisions contained in the Model and its implementation procedures with the utmost diligence.
Antonio Carraro has also equipped itself with a ICT system for the management of reports – Whistleblowing –, which allows potential breaches to be communicated to the Company completely anonymously or confidentially (at the whistleblower’s discretion), guaranteeing protection against any form of retaliation or discrimination. In line with the provisions of the Organisation, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/01, alternative reporting channels via email or regular mail are also available.
Everyone has the opportunity to contact Antonio Carraro: employees, suppliers, consultants or, more generally, stakeholders with an interest in the Company. Antonio Carraro ensures the analysis of all reports received and the collection of objective elements aimed at the adoption of measures to correct the breaches that have emerged. The reporter will always be informed of the outcome of the investigation into what he/she reported.
Using the reporting form below, it is possible to report any irregularity and/or illicit conduct, whether commission or omission, which constitutes a breach, even a suspected breach, of the principles enshrined in the Code of Ethics, the Organisation, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01 of the Company, the National Anti-Corruption Authority’s guidelines, as well as breaches of company policies and rules that may result in fraud or damage, even potential, to colleagues, shareholders and stakeholders in general or that constitute actions of a detrimental or illicit nature to the interests and reputation of the Company itself.
Reports must be made in good faith are received by the members of the Ethics Committee, who undertake to handle the report confidentially and not to disclose the identity of the reporter, if any, without his/her consent, unless this is necessary to guarantee the right of defence of the reported person or in cases provided for by law.

The Organization, Management and Control Model - General Section and the Whistleblowing Policy are available for consultation by anyone by accessing the following links.